

Pioneers of the digital world. Individual solutions in open source.

Your needs are our mission. And to successfully address them, open source technologies are a must have concept for daily use. GONICUS has therefore committed itself to the tasks of …

  • … bringing these technologies into IT projects
  • … examining open source potentials for clients
  • … implementing individual solutions successfully

Our goal: bespoke solutions for the requirements of our customers. Our approximately 80 employees are experts in their field. We will develop tailor-made solutions for your company with the help of our open approach. GONICUS relies on open source technologies with the flagship LINUX. Thanks to our core competencies in this area, we have already successfully completed numerous missions.

We sail under our own flag and see ourselves as an independent service provider. So we offer you a comprehensive range of services. From specific areas of an IT solution to comprehensive support that spans all phases of a project.

”… as open as functional”

More about GONICUS

Making of

Making of








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